Critter Problems

One of the most unpredictable things to happen to the Solar Industry is critters.

Unfortunately, the area between your solar panels and the rooftop creates a decent place for a squirrel or other type of critter to make a nest;  A place that not only gives them some warmth, but also protection from predators even more so than they might have in a tree.

Important Fact:  We see more of these issues in cities than in rural areas.  We believe it’s due to less options to nest, so they revert to panels.

The biggest problem is what they do after deciding to nest under the panels:  They can chew at the wires causing parts of the system to fail or, even worse, creating fire hazards if chewing wires near dry leaves.

SolarFlair did not put this issue on the back burner; we attacked it head on.  We have set procedures in place for handling these cases to ensure all issues are properly addressed and, most importantly, that no fire hazards are present.  We offer a way to deter critters nesting by installing Critter Guard, or other measures to avoid this being an issue for your system.

We have been doing our best to educate all of our customers on this potential issue and how to avoid it.



If your system is suffering from production issues on the roof, it is possible critters are involved.

  • To investigate yourself, you can look for a build up of leaves in just one specific area.  Sometimes it will be the area of your system that is having issues.
  • It is also possible to have critter damage without a nest being present.
  • We are doing our best to inform our customers of issues their system might have in order to make them aware & help prevent damage from spreading if critters are involved.  We also have options for preventing nesting.
  • Please note:  It is certainly possible for a production issue to simply be caused by a failing part or manufacturing issue,  but we want to make our customers aware that critter damage is also a possibility.
  • If you believe you have a critter issue, please make us aware of that when reaching out so we can help you solve the problem.
  • If you are having a production issue but are not sure if a critter nest is present, call today and we will walk you through what can be done.

What Does Critter Damage Look Like?