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Posted on: January 20 2020 Tags:

All New Englanders know that it is important to put your wiper blades up in a snowstorm and to shovel a path for your walkway but how will the winter weather impact your Solar Array? We at SolarFlair put together some winter weather do’s & don’ts as well as answer some of our customer's most frequently asked questions. 

Why aren’t my solar panels producing in the winter?

This is an important question for New Englanders to keep in mind as we head into the snowy months. As a result of snow or ice cover you may receive an alert from your monitoring system that your array is producing little to no power. Do not worry, the best thing you can do is give the sun time to melt the snow and ice off of your array.

How do you clean off snow from rooftop solar panels?

The most efficient course of action is to simply allow the sun to melt the snow and ice off of your array. Most panels are angled in such a way as to allow the snow to slide off cleanly with the force of gravity and a little help from the sun.

Further, and more importantly, attempting to remove the snow yourself could lead to serious injury. Rooftops are dangerous enough in warm weather and ice certainly increases the risk of injury. 

It is important not to attempt to clear snow or ice off your panels with a roof rake or squeegee. Not only could the panels be damaged but you are also at the risk of pulling 100lbs or more of snow and ice on top of you. It is, however, important to pull down snow and ice that accumulates at the gutter. Keeping the gutters clear allows for proper water runoff and prevents ice dams from forming.

Regardless of season or weather we never recommend cleaning solar panels with any chemicals or abrasive materials. Even a soft mop could scratch or otherwise damage the panels. If your solar panels become dirty a garden hose and a bit of soap are the only tools you need.
