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Rebates, Incentives, Financing

Solar power is more affordable than ever for Massachusetts businesses

The State and Federal governments offer a variety of financial incentives for renewable energy projects. Some of these  tax benefits and other incentives are time-sensitive. We have put together information resources including a set of links to the most up-to-date information regarding state and federal tax benefits , and production based incentives here in Massachusetts.

Call us directly at 508-293-4293 and we can assist you in determining what financial options are available for your businesses solar system. Solarflair can help you determine all available tax benefits incentives and financing you qualify for, and we can do the paperwork for you. We take the guesswork out of commercial solar power.

Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency
The U.S. Department of Energy maintains a comprehensive resource for State and Federal rebates and incentives for renewable energy.

State and Federal Tax Incentives
The Federal Government offers an Investment Tax Credit that will significantly decrease the cost of installing solar. The credit is equal to 30% of expenditures, with no maximum. Businesses can also depreciate the system utilizing the 5 year Accelerated (MACRS) Schedule.

The SMART Program (Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target) is an innovative, production-based incentive for Massachusetts solar owners. We understand the complexity of the SMART Program and we will provide a transparent, accurate explanation to all of our customers.

For more information on the SMART Program please reach out to SolarFlair or go to: https://www.mass.gov/solar-massachusetts-renewable-target-smart

Net Metering 

As of December 2009, all photovoltaic system owners served by the major utilities receive full retail value when they generate more power than they need.

Under the Green Communities Act, utility companies must now compensate customers for excess electricity at the retail rate rather than the lower wholesale rate. Additionally, customers may allocate their credits to other customers, allowing those without facilities to take advantage of net metering benefits as well. With this provision in place, Massachusetts now has one of the strongest "net metering" laws in the country.

Net Metering Made Simple:

  1. Your solar system WILL be connected to the  electric utility grid.
  2. When your solar system produces more electricity than you use, your electric meter will spin backwards. When you are using more electricity than your solar system is producing (e.g. at night) your meter will spin forwards.
  3. You will still receive  an electric bill from your utility provider each month. For months in which you produce energy in excess of what you use, your bill will show a negative figure under the “Total Usage” header. Take a look like the bill below.


Contact us for a SITE ASSESSMENT.

SolarFlair's sales associates will work with you to design the most efficient, aesthetically pleasing system possible for your business.
